Monday Nov 11, 2024 - 11:30 pm
Air temp-1.4
Feels Like -1.4 °c
Humidity92 %
Beaufort 0Steady
Gusts0 km/h
Cloud Height above station 1500 m138 m
Pressure Trend rising819.4 hpa
Today's Min-2.4 °c
Today's Max0.4 °c
Month's Min-5.6 °c
Month's Max6.1 °c
Smithers Airport0.6 °c
MistS 1.4km/h
valid 11:33 pm
Air temp-3.6 °c
SSW12 km/h
Feels Like chill-8.1 °c
Humidity100 %
Beaufort 2
Light Breeze
Gusts18 km/h
Snow Temp-2.3 °c
Purplerecomended, new snow
Redrecomended, old snowWaxing Guide
Air temp-4.0 °c
S14 km/h
Feels Like chill-9.1 °c
Humidity99 %
Beaufort 3Increasing
Gentle Breeze
Gusts24 km/h
Low: -3°c
light winds
cm | mm | % | km/h | |
night | - | - | 78 | |
totals | 0 | 0 | ||
Panorama Top night |
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 hours, possibly heavy at times. Windy.
Snow this evening will transition to snow showers late. Winds light and variable. Chance of snow 80%..
Civil Sunrise7:14 am
Civil Sunset5:12 pm
Nautical Sunrise6:30 am
Nautical Sunset5:56 pm
Day length08:39 hr
Solar0 %
UV Index0
Nil - Wear sunglasses; use sunscreen if there is snow on the ground, which reflects UV radiation, or if you have particularly fair skin
Moonrise3:02 pm
Moonset: 1:43 am
Lunar Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Forecast data is for the mid mountain elevation 1411 m (4629 ft) base of Panorama T-Bar
Winds at top represent elevation 1676 m (5499 ft) top of Panorama T-bar
Forecast Periods
am (Morning) 6:00 am to 12:00 pm
pm (Afternoon) 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Night 6:00 pm to 6:00 am
Narrative forecast by
Monday Nov 11, 2024
nautical twilight
Cameras:6:30 am to 5:56 pm
Snowtable:11:30 pm
Weather Data:11:30 pm
Forecast Data:11:28 pm
Resort Snowtable:11:32 pm
Club Data: 11:30 pm
Club Camera:5:00 am to 7:00 pm
Top of Panorama:9:00 pm
All data operates 24 hours a day. Sky cameras operate during nautical twilight begins and ends. Snow table cameras operate 24 hours a day.
configured for the fall, transitioned to steady snowfalls
snow table uploading images to show accumulations leading to the start of ski & snowboard season
Monday Nov 11, 2024 9:00 pm
This weather station is located between the Panorama and Prairie T-Bar bullwheels. The data, we use temperature and wind, is uploaded hourly, on the hour via satellite. It is normally available for viewing shortly after upload, but maybe delayed longer.
Monday Nov 11, 2024 - 11:30 pm
This weather station is located at the top of Turkey Shoot. Telus® has supplied the means to communicate with the internet and the site is maintained by ERM. This site hosts the data.
The camera tends to snow or ice over. It has a heater for lens clearing. The effect is much like a vehicle windshield left out overnight in the winter.
Nov 11, 2024 - 11:32 pm
The Resort is managing their own snow table. It will be cleaned at 4:00 pm every operational day. It will be left to accumulate on non operational days.
Night time images used for our Sky Conditions and Ski & Snowboard Club are photos courtesy of Isaiah Douglas
After Extremely Cold Weather:
Will effect the melting process and result in delays in snowfall recording. It needs to catch up.
Snowfall During a Snowfall Event:
Lags behind in determining rainfall equivalent. Therefore, calculated snowfall maybe less than the snow table indicates.
Snowfall After a Snowfall Event:
Does not account for the processes of compaction and melting once the snow is on the ground. Therefore, calculated snowfall will generally be more than the snow table indicates. (wapi) is a hourly service for current conditions. An alternative service is (owm). Both these services have an issue with reporting accurate Smithers Airport temperatures. So, supplemented every quarter hour for temperature and wind from the Government of Canada (ec).